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Patience on the Brink

Parenting is often painted as a serene voyage, with gentle breezes guiding you toward blissful shores. Yet in reality, it’s more like navigating through a jungle filled with wild monkeys, where every step is unpredictable, and every corner hides a surprise.

You set sail in the early morning hours with the sun shining brightly buoyed by dreams of calm and beautiful day ahead. But then, the jungle envelops you. The air thickens with the scent of chaos as the loud chatter of little voices rise, like the wild calls of playful primates. One moment, you’re marveling at the beauty of childrearing; the next, you’re scaling a steep hill of laundry or diving into the dense underbrush of snack requests. You navigate through this wilderness, dodging the sudden storms of tantrums and the unexpected pitfalls of relentless disruptions.

As the day progresses, you find yourself pushing through the tangled vines of sibling rivalry and the boisterous calls for attention. The day feels like you’re swinging from branch to branch, balancing the joy of giggles with the challenge of managing meltdowns. Your heart races as you wrestle with the wild unpredictability of it all, but amid the chaos, there are those quiet moments—like finding a hidden open space—where laughter echoes and love blooms. In this jungle called parenting, the wildness is part of the beauty, turning what you thought would be a smooth sail into an exhilarating expedition filled with surprises at every turn.

And then, just when you think you’ve got a handle on things and life in the jungle has settled down, the selective hearing kicks in—not yours, of course, but your children’s. You’ve repeated the same instruction five times, each one slightly louder than the last, yet it’s as if you’re speaking in morse code.

“It’s time for bed so please pick up your toys,” you say. Silence. “Did you finish your homework?”  Silence. But whisper “ice cream” under your breath, and they appear out of nowhere.

It’s during these times that your patience wears thinner than a piece of cheap dental floss. We all know the feeling. You start to feel like a broken record, and you begin to wonder if the sound of your own voice is slowly driving you mad. But here’s the silver lining: these moments are secretly building your character. You’re becoming a master of persistence, and your resilience is growing—one ignored request at a time.

Then as the day winds down, and you’re get ready to relax, you must face the final parental challenge: bedtime. It starts off well enough—bathtime and then a Bible story. But just when you think you’re home free, the requests start pouring in.

“I’m thirsty,” “I need to go potty,” “Can you check for monsters under the bed?” It’s like they’ve formed a committee to delay sleep. You sigh, you smile, and you might even let out an exasperated groan, but deep down, you know that these moments are fleeting.

As your patience reaches its limit, you realize that finding strength in parenting isn’t about never losing your cool; it’s about how you bounce back when you do. You learn to laugh at the absurdity, to find joy in the chaos, and to embrace the messiness of it all. Because true bravery in parenting lies in getting back up, again and again.

 Strength in Patience

So, here’s to the moments when your patience runs out—because that’s when you’re truly being stretched, refined, and strengthened as a parent. Each time you hold your tongue, take a deep breath, or manage to keep a straight face when your child insists that their imaginary friend ate the homework, you’re building character—not just for your kids, but for yourself.

As Proverbs 14:29 reminds us, “Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” (ESV)

Remember, parenting isn’t about being perfect; it’s about showing up, even when your patience has packed its bags and booked a one-way ticket to the Bahamas. So, laugh, learn, and keep going—you’ve got this. And if all else fails, there’s always coffee. 😊